多美烫钻烫图工艺厂**承接各种烫钻/烫图,用于服装烫钻、鞋面烫钻、手袋烫钻、帽包、皮带箱包、内衣、饰品等烫钻。工艺材料包括环保钻、奥钻、捷克钻、中东钻、韩钻、国产钻、铜片、八角片、平片、半圆珠等……可以满足于不同层次的客户。欢迎广大客户来图来样订做,也可我们上门洽谈,**设计版式,并打版看样,有意者欢迎来电洽谈! We are a professional manufacturer of hotfix motifs, located in Guangzhou, China, mainly engaged in production of hotfix motifs using rhinestones, hotfix rhinestuds, nailhead, etc. Business areas: 1.Manufacture rhinestones and hotfix motifs. 2.Sale environmental and lead-free rhinestones. 3.Sale rhinestones, Swarovski, hotfix rhinestuds, hot fix motifs, hotfix nailhead. 4.Export various jewelries of apparel accessories, such as hotfix tapes,Resinous rhinestones, laser motifs, hotfix p..